The Superpower of Imagination: How it Can be Used to Push Past the Fear of Dreaming Big!

I don’t know if it because I am going through a little wave of new clients or what else it could be, but I have been noticing that when encouraging my clients to think big about what they really want in life, I’m getting answers that are somewhat alarming.

“I just want to feel better…”

“I would like my partner to stop yelling at me…”

“I want to get rid of my anxiety…”

These kinds of goals don’t really leave much room for a lot of growth. Sure they are admirable goals in terms of just feeling better, but it makes me curious when I ask the bigger question of “what would that look like in action with your life?” most answers that I get seem to be very lackluster with imagination.

So I thought I would write about the power of imagination and how it could be helpful in creating a bigger, more diverse, future of opportunity.

Imagination is a powerful tool that can help you unlock your potential and achieve bigger goals. It allows you to visualize what could be possible, even if it doesn't exist yet. When you use your imagination, you are not limited by your current circumstances or past experiences.

Using your imagination can help you think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. It can also give you the motivation and drive to pursue your dreams, even when they seem impossible.

Using the Miracle Question to Activate Your Imagination

One way to activate your imagination is by using the miracle question. The miracle question asks "If a miracle happened tonight while you were sleeping, what would be different tomorrow?"

This question helps shift your focus from present limitations towards a more positive future. By imagining what life would look like after a miracle has occurred, it opens up new possibilities for goal setting and problem solving.


What is the Miracle Question and How Can it Help You Set Bigger Goals?

The miracle question is often used in solution-focused therapy as a way of helping clients imagine their preferred future. This technique encourages individuals to think about how their lives would change if their problems were suddenly resolved.

By focusing on this preferred future scenario, individuals are able to identify specific goals that will bring them closer towards achieving this vision. This approach helps people set bigger goals than they might have otherwise considered.

Practical Questions to Activate Your Imagination Around Goal Setting:

In addition to using the miracle question technique, there are other questions that can help activate your imagination around goal setting:

Question 1: What Would Your Preferred Future Look Like?
Think about where you want to be in 5, 10 or even 20 years from now. What would your life look like if everything went according to plan?

Question 2: What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn't Fail?
Imagine that failure was not an option. What goals would you set for yourself? How would you spend your time and resources?

Question 3: What Would You Do If You Had Unlimited Resources?
If money, time and other resources were no object, what goals would you pursue? This question can help identify the things that truly matter to you.

It’s important to remember that anything is possible with the right skills and disciplines to make it happen, but if you don’t dare to dream about it or even ask for it then it will never come to fruition. 


How I Became a Licensed Therapist Part: 1


Asking Your Therapist The Right Questions…